Report on the Training of Journalists
A CENOZO and WAJSIC Collaboration
  1. Introduction

    The Norbert Zongo Cell for Investigative Journalism in West Africa (CENOZO) in collaboration with the Whistleblowers and Journalists Safety International Center (WAJSIC) organized a safety training workshop for a group of journalists on the sidelines of the CENOZO General Assembly. The overall goal of the workshop was to equip the journalists with a safety consciousness with regards to knowledge and skills in their line of work.

    The official title for the event was: Training Workshop on the physical security of investigative journalists and the rule of law.


    The workshop was led by Anas Aremeyaw Anas, the Director of WAJSIC, serving as the journalists’ trainer. Anas Aremeyaw Anas is a Ghanaian undercover investigative journalist of international repute who has won many awards in the field and has worked with the likes of the BBC, Aljazeera and CNN. Apart from his role at WAJSIC, which he founded, he is also the CEO of Tiger Eye Media Consult, a Ghana-based private investigation and investigative journalism firm.

  2. Location and Period of Workshop

    The workshop took place at the Norbert Zongo National Press Center (CNP-NZ) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, on the 15th and 16th of November, 2021

  3. Participants



    The workshop had 20 journalists from 14 West African countries participating. Below is the full list.

    1Maryse AssogbadjoBé
    +229 95 81 69 71
    2Rabiatou SimporéBurkina
    +226 74 11 46 03
    3Hyacinthe SanouBurkina
    +226 70 36 95 56
    4Simon KiémaBurkina Faso+226 79 23 14 75
    5Gaston SawadogoBurkina
    +226 71 93 37 32
    6Filomena Maria Tavares Correia SilvaCape
    +351 926 222 495
    7Noël KonanCote d’
    +225 09 96 64 15
    8Abou TraoréCote d’
    +225 40 00 64 13
    +220 718 9376
    10Zubaida Mabanu
    +233 24 864 8456
    11Adja Kadé
    +224 628 84 40 48
    12Seydou Traoré
    +223 78 12 79 46
    +223 74 13 10 08
    14Kassim Traoré
    +223 76 47 78 93
    +222 42 33 42 33
    16Rachida Ousmane
    +227 99 21 73 27
    +221 77 166 94 85
    18Mohamed KabbaSierra
    +232 76 546443
    19Yewa Etonam
    +228 98 42 52 62
    20Allen Yero
    +245 5101529
  4. Activities – November 15, 2021

    After the participants were welcomed and set-up by the CENOZO logistics team, there was an opening speech by a CENOZO Cordinator. The participants were then presented, after which the workshop started.

    After being introduced, the workshop trainer Anas Aremeyaw Anas explained his objectives assigned to the training. The participants then engaged in a round table discussion about their expectations for the training.


    The first major topic to be discussed was How to mitigate physical risk on a solo investigation. Here, the trainer drew on his own experiences to take the participants through a variety of methods to avert physical threats while an investigative reporter is on a reporting mission alone. There was a Breakfast break after this.

    Back from breakfast, the trainer handled the second topic: Digital safety in investigations; Internet shutdown. This was a journey through the various avenues in which an investigative reporter can ensure his own safety digitally while on the field.

    There was a lunch break, after which the last topic, Physical safety and hostile environments training, was presented. Here, again, the trainer drew on his own field experience to talk the participants through the very important factors of a hostile investigative environment.

  5. Activities – November 16, 2021

    The day began with a discussion on the main points from the previous day’s training.

    This was followed by a practical session where the participants were broken down into three groups and given safety assignments, supervised by the trainer.

    Breakfast followed, after which the participants presented the solutions to their safety assignments.

    After lunch break, the trainer undertook his last presentation on Dealing with the personal risk issues of the investigative journalist: One on one, fears and concerns. This was a more in-depth look at what it means for the journalist to come face to face with his fears whiles on an investigative job, and how to navigate one’s way around that challenge.


    The trainer then gave his concluding remarks to bring the two-day workshop to a close, before the participants were allowed to share their candid views in analyzing and evaluating the various topics that were discussed.